The Future is Wild (FIW) is a world renowned educational and entertainment franchise which since 2002, has achieved over 1 billion views in multiple media channels.FIW is supported by highly skilled and experienced teams based in Germany and New Zealand. It taps into our fascination with our planet and the mystery of the plant and animal kingdom’s ability to adapt and survive.
FIW engages imagination and creativity to look forward and asks the big question “what if ?”
Proven intellectual property is underpinned by sound scientific principles and innovative use of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and co- creation platforms.
FIW continues to be founded on cutting edge software and technology. Innovations in augmented and virtual reality have opened up the opportunity to develop a virtual reality experience within nature-based landscapes. Glenorchy has been selected as the first of multiple sites.
FIW has a strong focus on learning and engagement, always ensuring the scientific integrity of the brand.

Beyond entertainment, FIW is an intellectual adventure that stretches our imagination, while keeping in balance the parameters of science. It uses impressive examples of past and future species, plants and environments to stimulate curiosity about what has been and what is to come. The interactive learning exhibits are based on the principles of evolutionary biology
to convey the connection between climate change and biodiversity in a playful and compelling way.

FIW is a gateway into the wild world of the future. FIW has mass audience appeal across all ages and genders.
FIW is unique as an entertainment/ educational brand which explores and explains future evolution.
FIW has a worldwide successful track record and existing brand recognition with millions of followers on YouTube and other social media outlets.
FIW is based upon a proven intellectual property, underpinned by sound scientific principles. Gameplay evolves from the already developed themes and story-lines.
TV Documentary series
3 x one-hour & 13 x half-hour episodes
Worldwide Cable, 70 countries free TV, 20 Airlines,
DVD in 30 countries
Big Screen
360 degree film for Dome Theatres and Planetariums worldwide
Collectable toys in Japan
Collectables, clothing, house and school wares in France
Mobile phone game in Japan
Animated Kids Series (26 x half-hour episodes)
A successful series of programs with a number of British & Singaporean schools and teaching organizations.
CD Rom for classrooms
New Enoshima Aquarium, Japan, integrated exhibition
Ansan Cultural Centre, Korea, integrated exhibition
Exhibitions & Visitor Attractions
New Enoshima Aquarium, Japan, integrated exhibition
Ansan Cultural Centre, Korea, integrated exhibition
Museum BL, Switzerland, integrated exhibition
Ibaraki Nature Museum, Japan, integrated exhibition
Les Animaux du Futur, Futuroscope Parc Poitiers, France, AR theme park ride
Aquarium of the Pacific, USA, integrated exhibition
Twycross Zoo, UK, FIW Educational Experience. Winner Best Education project
in British zoos and aquariums. -
Sydney Aquarium, Australia, integrated exhibition
Dinosaur Park Münchehagen, Germany, permanent exhibition
Museum Bünde, Germany, integrated exhibition
Dinosaur Park Teufelsschlucht, Germany, permanent exhibition
Adult Reference and Children Reference Books, 22 languages
Manga Book in Japan & Korea
Family reference book published as paper, eBook and iBook
New technology pioneering
2002 World’s first all CGI television series produced by an independent company
2008 World’s first AR Dark Ride World’s first AR publishing
World’s first AR toys 2016 VR App
Finalist at the four major natural history festivals of Tokyo, Wildscreen, Jackson Hole and Missoula
Winner at Czech Eko Film
Silver Medal Winner at New York Festivals ANIMATED KIDS SERIES:
Artios Award for Casting
Emmy nominations for Scripting,
Directing & Sound
Winner Seoul Book Awards
Winner of two Telly Awards
BIAZA award for Best Education Project in British Zoos and Aquariums
Laval Technology Prize

The most exciting biology lesson ever and an exhilarating journey into a breathtaking future.
Continental Drift
The continents of planet Earth are continually moving. 225 million years ago the continents formed a single landmass called Pangaea. FIW’s scientists are able to predict that 200 million years from now, the continents will have re-grouped to form another Pangaea and a single global ocean.
Climate Change
Continental drift has a direct impact on Earth’s climate. As the tectonic plates collide, fault lines causing earthquakes appear, and magma erupts through Earth’s surface as volcanoes, releasing carbon dioxide and ash. Excessive volcanic activity causes oxygen levels to drop and temperatures to rise.
In our modern world extinction is usually caused either by natural causes such as disease, through predation by other species, or changes to the natural habitat. As the Earth’s climate changes, species need to adapt to very different conditions. Those animals that cannot, inevitably become extinct. Some species are particularly resilient whereas others are vulnerable. Sharks and insects, for instance, are success stories, while the Dodo failed to survive.
Evolution and Adaptation
Evolution and adaptation occur naturally. Each species has a unique set of genes. As conditions change, these genes which provide the tools for survival naturally dominate in the next generation. Slowly, as the environment changes, the species too evolves, adapts and succeeds in new conditions.
Inspiring Imagination and Learning
It is not only animals that evolve. Future plants may take the passive defense methods of today’s flora (thorns, stingers etc.) further and become pro-active in their defense and predation to ensure survival.
FIW inspires our imagination, and the educational programmes encourage our active participation. This increases our understanding of how the world really works. Humans, animals and plants, interacting within specific environmental conditions give a sense of how a balanced ecosystem can work, and how
we must appreciate each of its elements to preserve the balance.
The interactive displays are focused on learning how we can play our part in caring for current and future forms of nature.
There will be an outreach programme for New Zealand schools. Teacher’s guides and lesson plans will allow teachers to be fully briefed when they arrive with their student groups, enabling them to answer questions, prompt investigation and use the FIW experience
as a foundation for further classroom research projects.
FIW can be used in schools and colleges
not only as a resource for teaching science and geography, but also to inspire creative projects for debate and informed discussion. These opportunities exist because FIW allows children to use the tools of science
in imaginative ways while retaining
scientific authenticity.
This unique feature has been seized upon
by educators as it helps to explain issues related to climate change and the impact of humans on our environment, survival, habitats, food chains and adaptation. Children, their teachers and their parents have all been
excited by the possibilities that emerge with FIW - in traditional schools, special needs establishments and home learning. It is accessible to students of all ages and abilities, for those who readily grasp science and those who don’t. All discover that science can be fun and a door-opening opportunity.
FIW has had a long-term relationship with schools around the world. Projects have been devised to introduce students to the principles of evolution by developing their understanding of science, while at the same time,
stretching imaginations with filmmaking and technology skills.

Proven educational programs and projects worldwide throughout all levels of school education.
Rednock School, UK
In this compulsory three week project, Year 8 pupils work as groups of six to create a stop frame animation film of a chosen time period in the future. The casts of animal characters and plants must be their own original ideas, which they have to justify with scientific reasoning. A true cross curriculum experience to encourage academic, creative and team-building skills.
Twycross Zoo, UK
In this award winning project classroom groups spend the morning in the education centre before exploring the zoo itself, with the challenge of devising, drawing and scientifically justifying their original idea of a future descendant of a Twycross animal.

The Raffles Institution, Singapore
After visiting Rednock School on a trade mission, the Singapore government invited FIW to run a project at their country’s premier school, with the challenge of inspiring its boys, who are typically fast-tracked along a highly structured route to become tomorrow’s elite, to embrace the unusual and „to think out
of the box”. After a slow start the children produced dramatic results, winning the Gold Medal at the Research Education Congress.
Teachers have found even the youngest children can become readily engaged with The FUTURE is WILD. However the ideal target age is 8 plus, the level at which children start to learn the principles of science. The FUTURE is WILDTM allows them to try them out and discover that Science is Fun.
A typical activity is:
Discussion of the natural world of today and the past. Question session “Could dinosaurs happen again?”, “How could your family dog or cat change in the future?”
Explanation of how changes happen, -global change, principles of evolution (survival of the fittest, natural mutation etc)
Class is then given a geographical area (Australia is the obvious choice) and time frame, with new location on the globe. Class asked to consider creatures in the territory today and show what they might become in the new chosen time frame and location.
Work is judged on results of what they were asked to achieve. May just be a drawing, model, diorama, storyline etc supported by appropriate notes, or whatever is the requirement.

It is at this stage that The FUTURE is WILD really comes into its own as a curricular and extra-curricular activity. Schools in the UK have found it to be a particular good basis for cross-curricular projects that show the pupils how an understanding of Science brings benefits across the wider world and work of life.
Crypt School has followed a similar pattern since 2005 with their two week cross-curricular project, compulsory for all pupils in their second year at the school.
Pupils, introduced to the principles of evolution and global change through Geography, Biology and Mathematics (Bio-mechanics) design their own future creatures and environments which they set to stories
(Creative Writing), bring to life as physical models (Art, Design and Technology), develop board games etc.
At the weekly The FUTURE is WILD Science Club, the pupils have gone further, creating a The FUTURE is WILD magazine, and a parasitic plant as predator for the “Megasquid” where one did not exist before. The headmaster
has presented their work at the National Conference of Head teachers.
Rednock School, where The FUTURE is WILD started as annual day activity, now runs a compulsory three week project for all its
first year pupils.
The task is for groups of six to each create their own “stop-frame” animated film, set in an agreed environment and time frame. This takes the pupils through the following disciplines:
Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, Idaho
Under the guidance of Dr Matthew Brady, the Division of Natural Sciences has for many years run a semester long project on Future Evolution, which he presented to the National Science Teachers Association Area Convention in Seattle.
Sophomore Zoology students work in pairs to the following brief:
Choose a present day taxonomy
Pick a time period and habitat from the FIW future worlds of 5m, 100m and 200m years from now. Design the creature, taking into account its evolutionary path and environmental changes.
Create a physical representation of the creature, a model if possible rather than just drawings.
Write a creature profile, quoting reference sources
Dr Brady then applied a grading system to the various tasks. “The Future is Wild project has been very beneficial in aiding me in educating my college students to the evolutionary processes that go into adaptation and eventually speciation. It gave me a compelling and engaging means of introducing my students to the thought process of evolutionary ‘what if.’ They came away with a deeper understanding of evolutionary constraints - that novel traits do not just appear - and gained a better perspective on the mechanisms driving these changes.” Matthew J. Brady, Ph.D.
Geography (tectonic plates and global change)
Biology (creating and proving the creatures and plants)
Creative writing (script and storyboard)
Art and Design (building of set, creatures and plants) Animated film-making (stop-frame manipulation, camera work and editing)
Music (create own musical scores)
Confidence Building (presenting the film to the school and FIW judges)
Team Building.

Teachers and parents have found The FUTURE is WILD can have strong appeal for those with special needs. Its blending of science and imagination provides:
The background for an experience individually tailored to fit the circumstances.
Sense of individual achievement as all participants can create something unique, of their own.
A fully immersive experience which makes it easy to cross to other disciplines and open doors previously thought closed.
An outlet for imagination, self-expression and frequently as a way of communicating to others.
A concept equally as effective in the home as in the classroom
The following are some of the experiences:
Cody Lake from Ontario, Canada, another regular correspondent, first wrote:
“I am 15 years old. I live in Stirling, Ontario, Canada. I was born with Fragile X, which is a form of autism. I had a hard time learning when I was younger but found a relief in learning science/biology. Your information on The Future is Wild was and still is a huge
inspiration to me. I came up with a creature from the future, 5 million years from now.
I was hoping it might be of interest to you as well and maybe you could use it in some way in one of your future projects. If you are interested and would like some more of my input on it I have attached a picture I drew and a couple of prehistoric pictures to help show what it might look like. I have also included some information about this creature. I hope you like my input and I also hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time.”
A schoolgirl from England who was a runner-up out of 27,000 in a national competition submitted her future creature in Braille.
Visiting a school in the UK to present on The FUTURE is WILD to classes of older primary school children, John Stringer, FIW’s Head of Education, was approached by a ten-year-old boy who questioned him in impressive detail about the creatures. The boy was so late leaving the school that his mother came in for him. She and his teacher told John that he was an elective mute who never spoke to anybody at school – and certainly not to strangers – but his enthusiasm for the project overcame that.
Theme Park Ride “Les Animaux du Futur” at Futuroscope Parc Poitiers, France
Using the one-of-a-kind concept and content of The Future is Wild, FUTUROSCOPE, a science-/ amusement park in Poitiers, France opened the world’s first Augmented Reality darkride in April 2008.
Expedition vehicles bring the visitors to an interactive safari, far into the future, across steppes, marshland and tropical jungle. Armed with binoculars and sensor bracelets, visitors can experience “virtual contact” with The FUTURE is WILD creatures in their environments over the next 200 million years.
This science park annually attracts several million visitors, particularly school parties, from all over Europe. A teacher’s guide and lesson plans are delivered online to French schools.
This experience marked the entry of augmented reality (AR) into the global market of visitor attractions.

The Future is Wild - 3D Planetarium special by Evens & Sutherland, Salt Lake City, USA
For the market launch of their new projection system Digistar3, American system provider Evens & Sutherland produced a 3D version of the original television series of The
Future is Wild. The intention was to
demonstrate the quality and performance of their projection systemusing the content of
FIW, which topped the Animal Planet ratings
for over a decade.
This special has become one of the most frequently shown productions for the Digistar3 systems in planetariums around the world.
Permanent exhibitions of FIW at Dinosaur Parks Münchehagen and Teufelsschlucht, Germany
In 2012 the Dinosaur Park at Münchehagen celebrated its 20th Birthday and started the year of celebration with an all new exhibition of
The Dino Park successfully offers exciting action packed days for school classes, families and visitors of all ages. More than 220 life-sized primeval giants expect the visitors. With the new The FUTURE is WILD feature, the park additionally presents how our world might look in millions of years in the future.
The specially created FiW exhibition hall presents 16 life-size creatures of the future in their natural habitat. Information screens, videos and fantastic sound installations transport the visitors into an amazing futuristic world.

This exhibition opened in September 2010 and ran for 12 months.
After the outstanding success of the first
major visitor attraction at Futuroscope, FIW continued to develop the IP for an even
more extensive use inthe area of visitor attractions worldwide.
With its first fully integrated exhibition at Australia’s Sydney Aquarium, FIW created an entertaining and educational exhibition that fascinated and captivated the audience.
The exhibition combined the stunning
marine life of Sydney Aquarium with
virtual animals, AR, and the latest sound
and visual technologies. Sydney’s leading special effects and modelling companies worked together with FIW to create the
future at the Aquarium and provided
visitors with one of the most immersive and engaging exhibitions Australia has seen.